38 Covered Bridge Road, Oley, PA 19547
Adult Sunday School - Sunday 9:30 AM
Morning Worship - Sunday 10:30 AM
Prayer Meeting/Bible Study - Wednesday 7:00 PM

A Small Church with a Big Heart!
Bethany E. C. Church of Pleasantville is a small congregation with a big heart! We aren't very fancy, but we are very real. We love the Lord Jesus Christ with everything we are, and we long to be in His presence. We are a traditional congregation that isn't afraid to try new things. We have a distinctive country flair that comes out in our down-home welcome and the incredible hospitality that are an important part of our heritage. Even more important, is that we are people of the Word. If you want Biblical preaching that will leave you excited about what God is doing, and encouraged to live a life of faith, then you would love it here!
Located along Covered Bridge Road in Pleasantville (Oley), we have a place waiting for you.

Come Worship with Us!
Sunday School: 9:30 am
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 am
Wednesday: 7:00 pm
"Prayer makes a godly man, and puts within him the mind of Christ, the mind of humility, of self-surrender, of service, of pity, and of prayer. If we really pray, we will become more like God, or else we will quit praying." - E.M. Bounds

The tithes, gifts, offerings, and other donations you make to Bethany E. C. Church of Pleasantville make a difference to our church, our community, and missionaries around the world. There are various ways you can donate. We no longer pass a collection plate during services. There are baskets for those who wish to contribute at each entrance to the sanctuary.
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” (Proverbs 3:9).

38 Covered Bridge Rd
Oley, Berks County 19547
(610) 689-5095